Monday 15 September 2014

Toronto International Film Festival 2014: First Time For Everything

This year's Toronto International Film Festival was special for numerous reasons. It was the first year that they closed a portion of king street for a street festival that celebrated... well, the festival. It was a year when there were so many big premieres that they couldn't stay contained to the first few days of the festival. But more importantly, it was this year that I actually got to go to TIFF.

I've been wanting to go for years. Hell, I've wanted to go since I first heard about the festival when I was 12. But for one reason or another (not living in Toronto, not having time to go, not having money, being surrounded by sharks) I haven't had the opportunity to go to any TIFF screenings. However, this would not be another year that I would simply stand by and watch films at their major release. I could finally go see films, see famous people, be a part of TIFF. But I couldn't jump right in a get a package to commit to a bunch of random films, I have a job and other commitments. So I bought two single tickets to see Before We Go, and Kingdom of Dreams and Madness, and thought that this was an ok introduction to the festival... and maybe next year I'd have a better sense of my schedule.

Fast forward to September 6th and I'm getting up at 6am to go stand in the rush line for an hour and a half to get tickets for The Tale of Princess Kaguya. When I tell people this portion of my festival experience they either look at me like I'm crazy, or they're impressed by my "dedication". While it doesn't really compare with people who take time off to see 26 movies over the course of the festival, there was something so exciting and satisfying about getting up that early to see a movie that I couldn't wait to do it again. Even getting tickets to see The Imitation Game at an extra screening with hundreds of other people was wonderful. The line was around the block and nearly did a lap of it. But again, totally worth.

While not all the films I saw were masterpieces, they were all very good. But what I take away from my time at TIFF 2014 isn't the movies, but the act of going to see these movie. Maybe next year I'll become a member and see even more movies. Maybe I'll even take time off so I can spend days enjoying an art form that I love. Here's hoping that TIFF 2015 will be even better, because my first taste has left me wanting more.

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