In 2012 we had Gangham style, The Avengers, and threats of the apocalypse because some Mayans said so. So as 2013 comes to a close, it's hard to say what made this year so special, for better or worse. As every publication, podcast, blog, critic, and self-proclaimed expert in something is giving their review of the year in a "best of" or "most disappointing" format that would make and buzzfeed smile with pride, I feel that I should do the same. As this blog is written by someone who judges everything and is a self-proclaimed expert in nothing, I couldn't pick one particular area to focus on. I could narrow it down to popular culture, but the only thing I've made easier to avoid is politics, which doesn’t exactly streamline my subject. So taking another page from the internet (with apologies again to Cracked), my review of 2013 is going to be a best of the year in a variety of categories, some you may not have considered before. Some may call this unorganized and lazy. I would agree with you and add sporadic, chaotic, and overall a borderline clusterfuck of topics.
Best movie trend:
Winner: Sequels that didn’t totally suck
If there’s one thing that I really enjoyed about movies this year is that despite the abundance of sequels that could have been absolute garbage they turned out to be great films. Now that’s not to say that they were all amazing or significantly better than their predecessors, but when its become typical for a sequel not to live up to the hype or success of its big brother(s), it was definitely a nice trend to have Iron Man 3 be better than Iron Man 2, Star Trek: Into Darkness not be a train wreck and Thor: Dark World be far more entertaining than the first chapter. Hell, Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug was even able to throw in characters that don’t exist in the book and was still better than Part One. (fact: I’m someone who likes the first movie more than I should).
While sequels aren’t always bad, there is often a stigma with them that sometimes is hard to shake. But it’s pleasant to see that studios aren’t simply coasting on what for the most part are guaranteed cash cows, they’re actually bringing them back
Honorable Mention: The Revival of the Kaiju Genre
Pacific Rim was sweet and Godzilla in 2014 is looking like a reboot in the right direction
Game of the Year
Winner: Read to find out (that’s right, I’m making you read)
To say I had a tough time picking the winner of this particular category is an understatement. I liken it to asking me to pick between my non-existent children (ok so not a good simile, but you get the idea). 2013 proved to be a great year in the gaming industry for both AAA titles and indie games alike. Bioshock Infinite was stellar, Borderlands 2 DLC was a riot, and countless other games made 2013 a great year to be a gamer. But there was one game that not only has shown that games can always push the boundaries between gameplay and ground-breaking storytelling, but truly redefined what we can get out of games. If you haven’t figured out that I’m talking about The Last of Us, then you probably don’t play games.
If you’ve played it, you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t played it… what are you doing reading this? Seriously, stop right now and go get it. No I don’t care that you don’t want to spend the money, just go watch a commentary free Let’s Play (if it hasn’t already been pulled by Youtube).
P.S. it’s made me fear all forms of fungus, as if I didn’t hate mushrooms enough as it is.
Honourable Mention: Papers, Please
Glory to Arstotzka!
Glory to Arstotzka!
Game console of the Year (can't go to the PC, because it would always win)
Winner: Nintendo 3DS
Sony and Microsoft have continued to make great home console experiences, the PC continuing to be simply the best, and Nintendo’s Wii U finally having some games worth playing on it. So while some of you may think that my singing of Last of Us praises in the last topic may put toward me being somewhat of a Sony fanboy… you’d be right. But the best console hands down was surprisingly the 3DS. The sheer number of fantastic games on the system made it a great platform this year. Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Luigi’s Mansion, Pokemon X & Y and the new street pass games made this a fantastic gaming device and time sink. The amount of hours that I have put in on this console this year alone was well worth the price of admission.
I have friends who scoff at the idea of getting a 3DS for a variety of reasons, and all I do is nod while silently judging them and feeling sorry for them.
Honourable Mention: PC
Best Indie Album
So I’m a fan of indie music, specifically of the folk rock variety. And while I lament the popularity of Mumford and Sons (still one of my favourite bands, but it’s not as fun when everyone else likes them too), I have found a band that I had the privilege hearing live last year and found an absolute pleasure to listen to. Little Green Cars (since there’s a good chance you haven’t heard of them) are a great Irish folk rock band and their entire album is wonderful to listen to. If you’re a fan of Indie folk rock, you have to give these guys a listen, they’re fantastic. Especially the songs Angel Owl and The John Wayne
One of my favourite bands and their latest album is another great release from them. The song Pink Rabbits is probably my favourite.
Best Indie Electronic Album
I’m going to saying this is the best with a disclaimer in that you really have to like chiptune music. Also, I’m not even really sure if Anamanaguchi even counts as indie despite the lack of mainstream recognition and wikipedia saying that one of their genres is indie rock (because we can totally trust wikipedia right?). But never mind that, what matters is the entire album is amazing and I can not stop listening to it. In fact my only regret is that I didn’t know there was a Kickstarter for the album until it was released because I would have been all over it. Seriously give this one a listen, it’s amazing.
Honourable Mention: Couldn’t think of one… but it’s probably because I’ve forgotten it
With 2014 shaping up to be an interesting year with Captain America continuing Phase 2's success and Sherlock finally back on television in the first month, who knows what other amazing surprises or purely terrifying horrors await us. In fact if I were to list all the things that we have to look forward to in the upcoming year, then I’d just be saying what other people already have, and that’s no fun for anyone (especially you). All we can do is listen to those ancient words of wisdom given by an incredibly useful guide book: DON'T PANIC (I probably still won’t follow this advice anyway)
Here’s looking at you 2013, full of Dwarves, Fungus Zombies and my bankruptcy due to Steam sales. Thanks for all the fish.