When the
Guardians Of The Galaxy movie was announced immediately after the success of the first Avengers movie (Pretty sure it was Comic-con 2012), I was skeptical to say the least. While Rocket Racoon is one of my favourite characters in the history of comics, creating a movie about a fairly unknown team of superheroes felt like a desperate ploy. Marvel, it seemed to me; was trying and get as much money as possible, at the expense of quality. It seems strange saying that a comic-book movie has become fine film, and yet Marvel over the last 6 years has created some pretty great movies, with
The Avengers and
Captain America: The Winter Solider standing out. Now while it's true that Marvel studios is of course making movies which are expected to rake in millions if not billions of dollars, just attach your name to a project doesn't make it a good movie to watch. Just look at the superhero movies from 2000-2007, most were terrible.
So when that first trailer came out for Guardians, I felt bad for ever doubting Marvel Studios. After watching this fantastic movie, that feels even more the case.
Set Amongst The Stars
The story of
Guardians Of The Galaxy shifts the story away from stupid earth to the other side of the, well, galaxy. We follow Peter Quill (aka Star Lord) who after being abducted from earth as a kid, has grown up to become an outlaw treasure hunting across the stars. He inadvertently stumbles upon the plot of the evil Ronan and ends up meeting the rest of his soon to be motley crew of anti-heroes. Gamora the assassain, Drax the destroyer, Rocket Racoon (a genetically modified talking racoon), and Groot (A sentient Tree, think the Ents from Lord of The Rings but on a smaller scale). Once they get together, the chaos ensues. The audience is taken for both an action packed and truly hilarious ride.
Now you'd think with all these new characters being shown to many people for the first time that they'd have to go through a ton of exposition to get everyone up to speed. But the beauty of the film's writing is that no one character particularly dominates, all of them have back stories that are fed to us in nice bits rather than massive chunks at any one time. They're all broken, angry, and tired of being alone. Though the way I've described it makes it sound the breakfast club of Marvel movies, its refreshing to have an origin story for a team that doesn't involve good people, they're all wonderfully, and sometimes seriously; flawed.
A Barrel Of Laughs (and Bullets)
As I mentioned previously this movie is funny. In fact funny doesn't really do it justice, because despite the films dramatic and action-filled moments there are tons of great jokes and lines. While none of the jokes are particularly original, the timing and use of them in this space opera keep you laughing through out the movie. In fact I'd recommend the movie first for it's comedy, then its action, then the drama. Because once the laughs are over, you're treated to a beautiful display of combat and gun fights. At times there can seem to be a lot on screen, but the fighting is tight and clever, each "Guardian" is skilled at what they do and it shows, much to our delight.
Now, while there are serious moments in the movie, they're tinged with the films bright optimism. Now matter how bad things get, you know that in the end they're going to be ok. For some that might be a bit boring. But when so many movies, especially now with comic book movies; are bleak and gritty, it's nice to see something simple and wholesome. The kind of wholesome that involves spaceships, swearing racoons, and lots of explosions.

Awesome Mix Vol 1
Peter's walkman, his sole possession from his time on earth; is both a fantastic plot device and the catalyst for a fantastic soundtrack. Now, it's not like this mixtape by his mother is the best hits of the 70s and 80s, some of the tracks are wonderfully bad. And yet once you watch this movie and how each track is used, you can't get enough of them. In fact each scene that uses a particular track either uses it in an expected way, playing Escape (The Pina Colada Song) when, well, escaping... or sometimes in ways that are poignant and emotionally powerful. A mixtape with a lot of soul, no pun intended.
This soundtrack blends in beautifully with the stunning world that James Gunn has helped bring alive. Combined with the stellar (again no pun intended) performances by everyone in the cast, you'll want to see more.
In Conclusion
In case it was already evident, Guardians of the Galaxy is a fantastic movie that you need to see immediately. There is something for everyone. In a strange way it feels like familiar and nostalgic, and yet is brand new and different for Marvel. As there's already been an announcement of a sequel, it will be good to see more of the Guardians of the Galaxy. While I worry that the Avengers may get over-crowded back on earth, I don't have that fear when it comes to Star Lord and his friends. Perhaps that's because when it comes down to it Guardians of that Galaxy has one thing that most summer blockbusters don't have, heart.
Verdict: 10/10