Monday 6 January 2014

Sherlock Series 3: Thoughts On The Empty Hearse & Sign of Three

Warning: There are Spoilers, so if you haven’t watch this series yet, you shouldn't even be here you should be watching it right now.

While I was excited as the next Sherlock fan for the new series, I was; as I often am when comes to things I hold dear to my heart, incredibly nervous of what was to come. How on earth do you top the awesome spectacular that was Series 2 with both Irene Adler; played by the astounding Lara Pulver, introduced to the Sherlock universe and Andrew Scott’s award-winning and absolutely brilliant performance as Jim Moriarty. Series 2 was also for many what helped make Sherlock a huge international sensation, heck when I watched series 1 apart from a strong following in the UK there didn’t seem to be this massive global following that there is now. So many things could have gone wrong with this series, and with one episode left, there still is a chance that we all might flip the metaphorical table in rage, or more appropriately pull an Anderson and start tearing stuff of the walls.

So with two absolutely fantastic episodes out of the way and the finale upon us this upcoming Sunday, it is time to summarize my thoughts on the series so far and consider what we might see in the next episode.

Acknowledgement of the Fanbase

 A minor caveat, Moffat has never actually acknowledged in writing the craziness that is the Sherlock Fandom. But there have been several moments in the last two episodes that feel oddly like fan service. As odd as it sounds, I feel like a lot of what has made the last two episodes so enjoyable are the moments of sheer insanity that in many ways could only rival some crazed fan girl’s fan fiction. The theory of how Sherlock survived by one girl in “The Empty Hearse” that ends in Moriarty and Sherlock kissing is right out of something on Archive of our own or live journal, not exactly something I pegged for Mark Gatiss or Stephen Moffat to come up with. Followed by what I think is worthy of more exploration… Sherlock and Watson Lightweight Drunken Adventures was a refreshing and wonderfully charming way to make these characters even more interesting and fun (Especially the bit where Sherlock and Watson trying to work a case while drunk). There’s a lot more in these episodes that feels a giant thank you to the fans, but still in a way that is their own and not actually pandering to any group. Keep up the good work writers.

Sidenote: buzzfeed has a hilarious summary of what happened on tumblr after the series premiere. It is quite a joy to read… to say the least

The Magnanimous Mary Morstan

Probably one of things I was the most nervous of was the introduction of John Watson’s wife, Mary Morstan. Time and time again, television and movie adaptations often don’t do this character justice and often end throwing her in as the third wheel (but shouldn’t be) to the Holmes and Watson dynamic. So I too thought that this was not going to end well for anyone

Boy was I never so glad to be wrong

Not only is Mary Morstan a fantastic addition to the series, she’s possibly my new favourite character. She’s not some clingy fiancĂ©, she seems to truly understand how both these men work and seems to want them to still be besties (pardon the term) despite John and her beginning a new chapter in their lives together. Plus her intelligence, wit, and humour are so refreshing for a show where the recurring female characters seem a bit overshadowed and one-dimensional (although Molly is now an even greater pleasure to watch, as she isn’t just some simplistic, shy pathologist)

Now my current fear is that either this all too good to be true or something truly terrible is going to happen… as is often the case with Sherlock finales.

End of an Era

Now we approach the end of the series and our new main villain, Charles Augustus Magnussen. Now while many Sherlock fans are already attempting to piece together what’s going to happen based on the references in characters and title of the finale “The Last Vow”; based on “The Last Bow”, I just know that in typical fashion of Sherlock, shit will probably hit the fan. And with Mary’s apparent pregnancy also now a factor, who knows what could go horribly, horribly wrong. All I know is that it will probably break my heart again and I will still love every minute of it. That, and it will probably change things up considerably for the next series, that is if there is even going to be a series 4 with the way the show has been going. Since there was a cameo of Irene Adler in the last episode, I’m hoping that she comes back somehow in a bigger role, but maybe that was just another red herring in a show that can sometimes be full of them. Here’s hoping it’s another hat trick for the third series. The final episode of the third series airs on Sunday January 12th on BBC One.

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